
Nora Marleen lebt und arbeitet freischaffend in Berlin. Ihre Spezialität sind humorvolle Illustrationen für Editorial und Web, mit einem Augenmerk auf die intelligente Bildfindung für schwierige oder tabuisierte Themen.
Ihre Arbeiten werden in Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland gezeigt, was ihrem Selbstverwirklichungshobby einen professionellen Schliff gibt, wie sie findet.

Nora Marleen lives and works as a freelancer in Berlin, Germany.
Her specialty is humorous illustrations for editorial and web, handling taboo and controversial subjects with uniqueness and intelligent finesse.
She works with international clients on a range of projects and has work exhibited all over the world.


Kunden / Clients

Ullstein Buchverlage
Le Monde Diplomatique
KitKatClub Berlin
Hamburger Tierschutzverein
Vincent TV
Musiktheater Lupe
Centerline Design
Loui&Jules Bremen
Eller+Eller Architekten

Ausstellungen / Exhibitions


“Fußball, Marx und Tränen”
Group exhibition by Le Monde Diplomatique in Linz, Austria during the Nextcomic-Festival


”Fußball, Marx und Tränen”
Group exhibition by Le Monde Diplomatique in Neurotitan Berlin, Germany

"Few Stories From Pictoric"
Group exhibition in Kiev, Ukraine 


"Seitenweise Kunst. Eine Liebeserklärung an das Buch und an das Lesen" 
Group exhibition in the Scientific Library Mainz, Germany

"PICTORIC Annual Illustration Exhibition" 
during the International Book Festival in Kiev, Ukraine


Solo exhibition in the Library of the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Germany

"Lob des Fahrrads"
Group Exhibition in the Mainz House of Representatives, Germany


"Illustrators Exhibition"
Group exhibition during the Bologna Children Books Fair, Italy
then in the Itabashi Art Museum Tokyo, Japan
and in the National Library of Beijing, China

"Poetic Science"
Group exhibitionin the Alliançe Francaise Bologna, Italy


Group exhibition in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany

"Aus dem Leben eines Zaunkönigs"
Group exhibition during the Comic Festival in Hamburg, Germany